The book focuses on Diana Bishop, an Oxford scholar, who is descended from two of the most renowned witch families in existence but has renounced her powers and tries her best to live her life as a pure mortal. When she accidentally opens a bewitched alchemical manuscript she inadvertently sounds an alarm that attracts a whole slew of daemons, witches and vampires - all who want to know the contents of that book.
One of the vampires who comes flocking to Diana is Matthew Clairmont, a several centuries old vampire who, despite the social taboos, Diana starts to fall for.
I know vampires are all the rage now-a-days due to Twilight and True Blood but I think I just love the idea of living forever - Matthew has known so many great people, visited so many notable places, been so many different people and I find myself jealous! The book talks about having to keep their existences away from the humans (Muggles) so there is just the teeniest, tiniest part of me that wonders and if their really are magical folk out there and I'm never privied to this information, I would be very upset!!